
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Jewelry Television has partnered up with the American Heart Association’s “Go Red For Women” campaign. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer in women, and it’s time we start fighting back. What better way to get involved and show support than wearing red on V Day?!

AHA and JTV have announced a Love Your Heart jewelry collection that will allocate 10% of the purchase price to be donated to AHA.

Lucky for you guys, they’re also allowing me to host a GIVEAWAY of one of these super fun jewelry gift sets valued at $140! All you need to do is tweet me @MeghanLorine using the hashtag #GoRed and you will automatically be entered. Easy as eating all the chocolates in sight today!

So get involved, show your support and donate! For more information, visit: heart.org/HEARTORG/





JTV is a proud supporter of the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women movement. This in no way implies an endorsement from the American Heart Association in regard to JTV’s products or services. The Red Dress is a trademark of DHHS.

JTV is taking a stand in the fight against heart disease by offering consumers an easy way to contribute to the Go Red for Women® movement. For every Love Your Heart collection product sold from January 1, 2014 through March 31st, 2014, Jewelry Television will donate 10% off the selling price to the American Heart Association. Also from now throughMarch 2nd, 2014 consumers may add a Go Red® contribution to their purchase, or donate directly at JTV.com/GoRed. Those contributing $5 or more will receive an exclusive offer redeemable on a future purchase with JTV.

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