Closet Cleanout

Barefoot on the Beach

Yoga, Fashion

Every new year, I make the same resolutions – stay healthy and clean out my closets – and as every year wraps up, I’ve had one too many cheat days and my closets are still bulging with obesity.

I’m happy to report that we’re only on day 5 of 2015 and I have successfully organized (and color coordinated) all four of my closets! #Overachiever

Stay tuned because there were a few items that I couldn’t quite squeeze back into my closet that will be available for purchase on Poshmark.

How are your resolutions coming along?!

Wearing: Sweater (Victoria’s Secret), Leggings (Express), Lipstick (NARS), Nail Polish (Essie – Fishnet Stockings)

[thefeedproducts style=’four’]

Eye Hate Heels

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