The Bachelor: Arie Luyendyk Finale Recap

The Bachelor: Arie Luyendyk Finale Recap

ICYMI: The Bachelor finale was last night and holy cannoli, I feel like I’ve been to hell and back.

We start off in Cusco, Peru watching Lauren sketch pics of Arie’s needle d journal her feelings – which, TBH – she looks like the type that would have a diary.

The Bachelor: Arie Luyendyk Finale Recap

Both girls get to meet the Luyendyk fam and bring different bouquets, but the same picnic basket ABC lent them. Can we talk about how Arie’s mom is a dead ringer for Krystal?! It’s clear the family favored Lauren because she looks the most Dutch, but thinks Becca is best for Arie – who was totally hoping they would be #TeamLauren based on the fact that he tells them that she has moments where she’s “funny and dances around sometimes” – I hope my future husband never describes me like this.

Just throwing it out there: HAD they said Lauren, I don’t think Arie would be in this pickle right now.

The Bachelor: Arie Luyendyk Finale Recap

On their final dates with Arie, Becca gives him a scrapbook and Lauren gives him some personality. Arie pops the question to Becca, then breaks up with her – with a camera crew so all of America can see it, of course – because he still has feelings for Lauren.

I was watching this with my mum and she goes: ABC must’ve offered Becca a Bachelorette deal in exchange for this footage – which, ONE THOUSAND EFFING PERCENT.

The Bachelor: Arie Luyendyk Finale Recap

When Arie knocked on the bathroom door post-breakup to see if Becca was okay it was as if he were checking on someone who was having a poop attack; not someone whose heart he had just completely shattered. Animal.

The Bachelor: Arie Luyendyk Finale Recap

Feelings and America’s POV aside, I personally can’t blame Arie for his lack of judgement because both times I was in love with two people at once, I chose the wrong person – and I’m semi-single right now sooo…

Becca is a class act and the true winner here, which is why I refuse to post any photos of her crying – or next to Arie from the episode. She’s above it all. Just look at her Venmo page.

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