As someone who grew up idolizing Paris Hilton – for her confidence and mutual love of animals and Patricia Field – I was SO excited for the release of her YouTube documentary, This is Paris.  Granted, I didn’t get to watch immediately (hence the late blog post), but am here now to debrief on all things..

I remember first learning about who Paris Hilton was from watching her and her sister, Nicky’s E! True Hollywood Story episode.  Say what you will about her, but in my opinion, Paris Hilton is the ultimate businesswoman and has always been ahead of the curve.  

You can’t tell me I’m the only one who had a T-Mobile Sidekick and shopped at Kitson.  To this day, I adamantly stand that her fragrance is the end all, be all scent for both men AND women.  Yes, you read that right.

Paris was ultimately, a new breed of celebrity; famous for being famous – who would later be dubbed the “original influencer” – but then came the sex tape, The Simple Life, the tabloids – all curated into an unrealistic persona to cover up her past traumas.  

This is Paris, directed by Alexandra Dean, does a deep dive into the REAL Paris Hilton.  Everything from her career (killing it as a DJ in a male dominated industry), insomnia, complicated family dynamics, and toxic relationships (that Tomorrowland break-up scene was truly ICONIC) is raw and unedited as her mask is finally removed while publicly discussing – for the first time – the abuse she endured while at PCS.

If you have an hour and forty-five minutes to kill this week, I highly recommend watching this powerful doc.  If not for Paris Hilton, then for the educational awareness of the Provo survivors.

This is Paris is streaming now on YouTube.

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