The Jackets of Sex Education

If you’re unable to pinpoint an exact aesthetic, that is because Netflix’s Sex Education creators (according to GQ) prefer it be more like a comic book world.  The period, location and time within the show is an illusion.  No decade needed, just vibes.  If I hadddd to guess, I’d put my money on a mix of old and new – contemporary nostalgia if you will – a bit of the ’80s, but with iPhones and revenge porn.

I just started binging the third season, so no spoilers, but the thing that really struck my fancy was the eclectic jackets tailored to each character’s personality. 

Let’s break them down..  

A dopey tricolored bomber

An angsty vintage leather fringe (that was probably thrifted because she’s cool)

A distressed leather shearling biker (a tough exterior that’s warm and cozy on the inside)

A bold yellow cropped situation (to distract from her insecurities)

A straight-laced Varsity bomber for the head boy

A purple windbreaker (because he’s resistant to fashion conformity)

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