death grip

death grip

“I look like Gollum with his fish while protecting my iPhone from the rain” – recent tweet from Men’s Humor.

death grip

death grip

Don’t we all.. I was out to dinner with three of my girlfriends and at one point (or several…) all four of us were laser focused on our iPhones (we’re Apple snobs) petrified of missing out on a Facebook relationship status update, the score of the Heat game, or a sext from a lover (but really).

This got me to thinking about cell phone etiquette. I personally subscribe to the belief that if there’s no Instagram proof, it never happened. Kind of like if a tree falls in the woods and no one’s there to hear it, does it make a sound? Didn’t think so.

A lesson in etiquette for those of you who feel it necessary to prove you drank the frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity or whatever – snap the photo as soon as your food arrives and fill your table in on what you’re doing. If you’re feeling especially gratuitous, ask them to pose in the pic. Little acts of kindness will keep them from bitching about you when you get up to go to the bathroom.

Take one or two pics and put your phone away to engage in real conversation. We’re not robots – yet.

death grip

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