Apartment Tour!

Apartment Tour

Post NYFW, I made the decision to be a gypsy no more and unload my closet into a one-bedroom in the city. While filling the interior has become one of my favorite past-times – note to self: I like weird stuff – I’m slowly, but surely feeling like Philly is now home (for now). #CommitmentPhobe

I knew I needed to fill the space with bright colors as I live for a bold statement – in fashion, and in life – so the couch, which sits in the middle of my living room is hot pink. I wanted to design a “one-of-a-kind” piece for my apartment so I filled a blank canvas with – drum roll please! – pom poms, as an ode to my professional cheering days. No joke, this project took me a good twelve hours to complete and my sister had the audacity to tell me it looked “cancerous.”

Apartment Tour

Apartment Tour

Since I live alone, I decided I needed some type of figure to scare away any unwanted intruders. Originally, I wanted a clown for my window, but opted for an alien head instead since they come in peace. I also chose to plop one of my tiaras on it’s head because aliens can be stylish too.

Apartment Tour

I’d have to say my favorite accessory in the flat is most definitely my cat, Sadie, who I rescued from Philly Paws. I’m pretty convinced she is my late westie trapped in a cat’s body, but the jury is still out on that one. Litter boxes can be an eyesore, but I found the cutest one disguised as a house plant on Amazon.

Apartment Tour

Apartment Tour

Apartment Tour

Apartment Tour

Apartment Tour

I knew closet space would be an issue as the one that came with the apartment literally only holds my coat collection so I had one installed as a temporary storage fix. Overall, the space is a work in progress, but I’m really enjoying the process!

Apartment Tour

Apartment Tour

Apartment Tour

Apartment Tour

Apartment Tour

Apartment Tour

Apartment Tour

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