Bachelor Recap: Nick Viall Episode 10

Episode 10 opens with Raven and Nick swapping morning breath kisses (I legit just gagged).

Side Note: I never noticed how much Nick mumbles until this episode.

Producers then humiliate Raven – even though she was asking for it – by compiling a montage of her skipping through the streets, high-fiving strangers to celebrate her big O.

Bachelor Recap: Nick Viall Episode 10

Bachelor Recap: Nick Viall Episode 10

All three girls must have been given the same pom-pom hat (in different colors) to keep warm in Finland because Rachel shows up to her overnight with Nick wearing one as well. They go cross-country skiing and Nick tricks her into saying she’s falling in love with him. He reciprocates.

Bachelor Recap: Nick Viall Episode 10

I’m not going to lie, Vanessa’s overnight looked like pure torture. Running back and forth into an ice bath in the freezing cold is literally the last thing I’d want to be doing on a date. Apparently saying “I love you” was the trend of the evening because Vanessa says it to Nick as well.

Bachelor Recap: Nick Viall Episode 10

Bachelor Recap: Nick Viall Episode 10

Bachelor Recap: Nick Viall Episode 10

At the Rose Ceremony, Nick blubbers like an idiot and sends Rachel home to be the next Bachelorette. Special shout-out to her necklace-dress. Hopefully we will see more of her killer style next season.

Bachelor Recap: Nick Viall Episode 10

Bachelor Recap: Nick Viall Episode 10

Refusing to recap the Women Tell All as I gave up on it once Corinne was done passing around Raquel’s cheese pasta…

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