I’ve Never Been More Disgusted…

Telfar named their new line of pink bags “Corned Beef” and to say I am repulsed would be an absolute understatement.  

As a reminder, this is the brand that is ALWAYS sold out so I don’t think I’m wrong in feeling like we are being trolled here.  I’m picturing the meeting where this all went down and the Telfar pitch team just racking their brains late into the evening desperate to find a name for their new color.  Charlie in graphics had to cancel his Grindr date, Susie in marketing is livid because she’s going to miss The Bachelor. Countless names are crossed out on the whiteboard, everyone is distressed, BUT THEN, the intern – tasked at taking notes (in the corner, of course) – quietly pulls out a corned beef (gagging!) sandwich to eat as to not pass out from hunger.  A vile smell floods the room, and the “corned beef” color is born. 

Needless to say, people had some thoughts – and the memes just keep coming – so here are a few of my favorites that had me LOLing this morning.

Corned Beef Telfar drops this Friday 2/11 at 12noon and I fully expect it to sell out immediately.

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