Crazy Rich Asians

I wasn’t sure what to expect from Warner Brothers’ new film, Crazy Rich Asians – mostly because I hadn’t read the book, but with this being the first Hollywood movie with an all Asian cast in 25 years(!) I knew I couldn’t miss the opportunity of attending the exclusive screening last night.

Based on the popular novel by Kevin Kwan (who was in attendance btw as well as actors Gemma Chan and Jimmy O. Yang) the plot follows Rachel Chu and her beau, Nick Young, whose family is crazy – and rich. Thrust into the spotlight, Rachel is faced with jealous socialites, quirky relatives and something far, far worse — Nick’s disapproving mother.

Without giving away spoilers, I wanted to discuss how ridiculously delicious some of the accessory choices were sprinkled throughout the film. In one scene, a pair of $1.5 million earrings are purchased without hesitation (must be nice) and it got me to thinking how earrings truly are one of the easiest ways to make a statement with jewelry – and let’s be honest – take your ensemble to that next level while adding a personal touch to showcase your style.

One of 2018’s top trends thus far has been anything chunky – and gold – a la the ’90s, which I’m super drawn to and Rachel Chu supported this trend on screen, which made my heart happy.

Crazy Rich Asians

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I’m not crazy (well, maybe a bit) or rich or Asian for that matter, but I found Crazy Rich Asians to be a super relatable film as it reminds us we are all beautifully flawed, like any other human beings.

Crazy Rich Asians hits theaters August 15, 2018.

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