Be someone no one thought you could be.

Girl Boss

Girl Boss

Girl Boss

Girl Boss

Girl Boss

Girl Boss

Girl Boss

Girl Boss

Girl Boss

Girl Boss

To say I’m over the moon that Girl Boss is officially streaming on Netflix is an extreme understatement. Inspired by Sophia Amoruso’s best-selling book, the series follows the rise of her multi-million dollar fashion empire, Nasty Gal (you can use code: NASTY40 for 40% off btw).

I spent the first night of my freshman year at college dumpster diving with my roommate because I’d accidentally tossed away a vintage bangle while decorating our dorm. It was a great bonding experience. Sophia Amoruso – who’s also dabbled in dumpster diving a time or two – defines a “Girl Boss” as someone who is in charge of their own life; they get what they want because they work for it. I’ll have you know, we successfully got my bangle back that night!

Whether it be designing handmade pieces for my Barbie when I was little or my short-lived handbag business that skyrocketed in sales and then came crashing down because I was only thirteen and couldn’t keep up with the orders, I’d like to think I’ve always been a Girl Boss.

Everyone deserves their own unique path to success and through Sophia’s story, we learn that success is about trusting your instincts and following your gut, knowing which rules to follow and which to break. Hence, why I’m wearing this tiara – not because I’m Miss Universe (or going to Coachella), but because I want to.

The series has been getting mixed reviews, so let me know what you guys think once you binge it!

Dress by Cynthia Rowley.

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