Key West

I’m no stranger to a Florida vacation since much of my family lives in the sunshine state, but this past weekend was my first time doing Key West (for my bestie’s 30th!) and I’m not gonna lie, I was truly clueless when it came to packing as there weren’t many blogs out there covering this location. It also didn’t help that pretty much everyone I spoke to who had been there suggested I dress casual and wear flats; an impossible task.

Since Spring and florals go hand-in-hand like Bertucci’s rolls dipped in olive oil (can you tell I’m starved?), I packed lots of lightweight maxi dresses, midi skirts, and sundresses – with that print in mind.

Key West

I was also very aware that my skin is vampire-chic so I stocked up on Hampton Sun products to dodge the melanoma while out for a snorkel. I like actually don’t know what I would have done without their aloe spray and lip balm. Lifesavers.

Key West

Key West

Key West

Key West’s Duval Street had the cutest little shops, bars, restaurants – and angels strolling the streets with their butts plugged – that we definitely took advantage of when the sun went down. I especially enjoyed the never-ending supply of key lime.

Key West

Key West

A major highlight for me was having the opportunity to tour Ernest Hemingway’s house. Not for the history – albeit learning that his pool is the biggest in Key West was a fun fact – but for the 54 polydactyl cats. One of which took a chomp out of my hand. #WorthIt

Key West

My takeaway from this trip would definitely be to pack for the experience. Think; SPF, sandals, kinis (galore!), and lots and lots of Dramamine. Trust me on that last one as I learned the hard way. The Captain of our sunset cruise told us that I was the “most glamorous” person to ever spew off his sailboat. FML.

Key West

Key West

Key West

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