8 Reasons To See Ocean’s 8

8 Reasons To See Ocean's 8

While everyone was at the CFDA Awards, I was waiting in line (still pissed about that) and missing a new episode of The Bachelorette so I could attend a private screening of Ocean’s 8.

The movie takes place, five years, eight months, and 12 days after Debbie Ocean’s prison sentence aka the perfect length of time to devise the biggest heist of her life. She enlists a team of top notch criminals because if you’re going to rob a necklace worth $150 million at the Met Gala you’ll totes need a jeweler, street con, hacker, fashion designer, and a suburban mom(?).

I had high hopes for Ocean’s 8, but it actually surpassed my expectations so here are my top 8 reasons to check out the movie which hits theaters this Friday.


Computer science. Since it’s typically a male dominated role, by casting Rihanna as the “hacker” Ocean’s 8 is helping to close the gender gap in technology and change the portrayal of what a programmer looks like and does – criminal activity aside, of course.


Anne Hathaway. Hear me out here as I typically DESPISE her too (remember that Oscars acceptance speech?), but girl stole the show and had me laughing in every scene she was in.


The fashion. Obvs. I mean you can’t expect to rob the Met Gala not wearing couture.


Mindy Kaling. And her lips. Like should we all just invest in some injections now or…?


The celebrity sightings. Like do you think the Kardashians (and Anna-freaking-Wintour) would miss a Met Gala – even if it is just a fictional one?!


Anne Hathaway. Again. But this time for the Barbie-pink lipstick she wears to the Met. Hitting up Sephora on my lunch break today in search of something similar.


The Suburban Mom. Anything Sarah Paulson touches turns to gold – cubic zirconium in this movie’s case.


Revenge. I want to keep this recap spoiler free so keep that in mind when you watch!

8 Reasons To See Ocean's 8

8 Reasons To See Ocean's 8

8 Reasons To See Ocean's 8

8 Reasons To See Ocean's 8

8 Reasons To See Ocean's 8

8 Reasons To See Ocean's 8

8 Reasons To See Ocean's 8

Ocean’s 8 hits theaters Friday, June 8, 2018.

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