Riverdale Fashion: Season 2 Episode 18

Riverdale Fashion: Season 2 Episode 18

Here’s the thing… As someone who grew up listening to the Guys and Dolls soundtrack on repeat (no joke) I was really looking forward to this whole ‘Carrie: The Musical’ episode of Riverdale but I actually hated every minute of it. The actors are obvs talented, but I just felt we didn’t need to see this – similar to Breaking Bad‘s ‘Fly’ episode.  I’m clearly still pissed I wasted my time on that one.

Basically all we need to know heading into this week’s episode is that the “Black Hood” is back, the role of “how to ruin your teenage daughter because you have a bunch of ish to work out and never got your fifteen minutes” was played by Alice Cooper – oh, and Midge (who re-placed Cheryl as Carrie) was murdered before she could take her final bow.

Riverdale Fashion: Season 2 Episode 18

Riverdale Fashion: Season 2 Episode 18

Riverdale Fashion: Season 2 Episode 18

Riverdale Fashion: Season 2 Episode 18

Riverdale Fashion: Season 2 Episode 18

Riverdale Fashion: Season 2 Episode 18

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