Seinfeld’s Kramer: A Sustainable Fashion Pioneer

It’s week 7 (or is it 8?) in quarantine and I’ve successfully binged through the entire series of Seinfeld.  For whatever reason, I never watched the show while it was airing back in the day, but it is easily one of those shows that instantly makes you laugh no matter what the episode, which is why I found myself binging it on Hulu during this pandemic.

I truly do not understand how a short, whiny, neurotic bald man like George could get so many beautiful women, why a woman like Elaine – with a “big wall of hair” and a “face like a frying pan” – needed SO MANY sponges (side note: legit had to google what ‘the sponge’ was), or how Jerry – easily the most uninteresting character ever – was somehow the glue that held all these terrible people together.  Regardless, the show is and will always be overall fantastic.

Fan favorite, Kramer, due to his unpredictability and disregard for the law, was legit an unintentional pioneer for sustainable fashion today.

Take that, Calvin Klein!  

His looks were mostly straight out of the 70s, but like Meghan Markle, Kramer was a BIG fan of re-wearing garments.  Never a follower of trends (respect!), Kramer’s infamous button-ups were recycled and re-purposed countless times throughout the series.

While certainly not the goal – as I previously mentioned, these characters were all horrible people – for the sake of this post, we’ll say Kramer’s sustainable fashion choices were all in the name of ethics.

What have you been binging lately?

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