skimm life

Earlier this morning, a little birdie let me in on a secret. Obviously I can’t keep one because I’m about to share. You’re welcome in advance…

skimm life

theSkimm. A daily newsletter that simplifies the headlines for the educated professional who knows enough to know she needs more.

Staying up on current events can feel like a chore, and one that often gets put on the back-burner when your day is jam-packed with meetings and deadlines. I was a big fan of Cliffs Notes growing up and in a way, theSkimm is just that – a simple break down of what you need to know in order to start the conversation. theSkimm gets major bonus points for putting a fresh editorial perspective on otherwise dry news.

Because there’s nothing worse than being the one in the group who has no idea that the Mets are hosting Major League Baseball’s All Star Game tonight or that Jenny McCarthy’s vulgarity has finally led her to a permanent seat on ‘The View’, right?

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