The Museum of Selfies

Whether it be doing your best duck face with the Mona Lisa, throwing punches at the gym, or posing on the “Game of Phones” The Museum of Selfies explores the history and cultural phenomenon of the selfie through interactive installations that are begging to be documented. The image – a shot of oneself taken by oneself – has roots dating back 40,000 years (who knew?!).

Me and one of my besties spent a solid few hours exploring the unseen depths and history of this cultural phenomenon a few Sundays ago in Glendale and I must say, love them or hate them, I’ll never see selfies the same way again.

A few of my favorite moments and what I wore below!

The Museum of Selfies

The Museum of Selfies

The Museum of Selfies

The Museum of Selfies

The Museum of Selfies

The Museum of Selfies

The Museum of Selfies

The Museum of Selfies

The Museum of Selfies

The Museum of Selfies

The Museum of Selfies

The Museum of Selfies

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