young hollywood awards

Last night’s Young Hollywood Awards aka the “Oscars of Young Hollywood” was one for the books. The red carpet event which proves to be a launch pad for the future careers of fresh talent was broadcast for the first time (one step forward) on The CW Network (two steps back).

While her ex-beau was getting inked up in NYC, Selena Gomez was busy receiving the Fan Favorite Album and Most Anticipated Tour Award for her latest album Stars Dance all while looking super glam in Versace with a center-part pony.  Speaking of the Biebs, he better watch his back. If Austin Mahone – Breakout Artist Male – hires a new stylist and brushes up on his dance skills, he’ll for sure be giving JB a run for his money.

The YHA’s weren’t just entertaining, they were also informative. Thanks to the CW broadcast, I learned Anna Sophia Robb – Star of Tomorrow – was in Soul Surfer, Ozzy Osbourne styled Kelly for the event, and Ian Somerhalder thinks Lucy Hale’s last name is “Hall”. My guess is he purposely mispronounced her name to prove a point that Ashley Benson should’ve won the Fan Favorite Female award. I get it.

My winner of the evening you ask? JUMPSUITS. Anna Camp (the girl who blew chunks in Pitch Perfect) and Holland Roden looked killer.

young hollywood awards

Photo by Michael Buckner/Getty Images for PMC
Photo by Michael Buckner/Getty Images for PMC

Cody Simpson accepted the Role Model award. Is it weird to be jealous of his blowout?

“I’m shocked you guys even know who I am. Thanks for embracing my weirdness and all my weird endeavors.” – Dave Franco, winner of Fan Favorite Male and younger brother of James.

young hollywood awards

All photo gems courtesy of Pinterest.

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